Interesting articles

  • What is athlete's foot, how is it diagnosed and how is it treated? What treatment for athlete's foot is used in traditional, folk and home medicine?
    26 March 2024
  • The most effective folk remedies for nail fungus on hands and feet. Use of medical baths and compresses. Making homemade ointments and recipes.
    2 February 2024
  • To understand the question of which doctor treats toenail fungus and nail fungus is before treating onychomycosis. It is necessary to understand who to contact and who will identify the first signs of the disease. Principles of treatment, drugs for the elimination of fungal infections.
    24 January 2024
  • Fungus is a microorganism that parasitizes the skin of the feet and causes dermatological problems. What does the disease look like, what is its danger and how can we get rid of it quickly?
    15 January 2024
  • At home, the treatment of fungus can be carried out with different methods. Which of them are the most effective? Read the review in the article.
    21 November 2022
  • Information about the first symptoms that appear with toenail fungus. Useful recommendations for diagnosing the disease.
    5 November 2022
  • Types of fungal pathologies of the feet and methods of their therapy. How to recognize the lesion and its symptoms. Preparations and folk remedies for the treatment of foot skin fungus.
    3 November 2022
  • What is athlete's foot and what does it look like? Types and symptoms of skin fungus on the feet. The list of the most effective legal and folk remedies for the treatment of fungi, prevention of infection.
    30 October 2022
  • Can you get rid of nail fungus at home? And to completely cure it with folk remedies? Or do you still need to go to the doctor and undergo a long course of treatment? The answers to these questions can be found after reading the article.
    20 October 2022
  • This article discusses points from toenail fungus, types, action and rules of use.
    8 October 2022
  • Toenail fungus manifests as nail changes, pain, itching, burning, nail loss. There are 4 stages of disease development, each of them is described below.
    8 October 2022
  • Celandine is an herbal remedy for treating nail fungus. About the causes of fungi, the effect of celandine on nail fungus, treatment methods, use of plant juice.
    28 June 2022
  • Apple cider vinegar is a good helper in the fight against nail fungus. Used for compresses, baths and creams in the treatment of mild forms of onychomycosis. Vinegar is also used as an adjunct to more severe forms of fungal infection.
    11 June 2022
  • The article describes the main signs of nail fungus in the initial stage of the disease, as well as recommendations for treatment using modern methods.
    10 June 2022
  • Description of folk remedies for the treatment of foot fungus. Celandine, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, tea tree oil, propolis, blue vitriol, coffee, apricot gum, kombucha, garlic, iodine, birch tar and soda.
    27 March 2022
  • An important factor to get rid of skin mycosis is timely examination and treatment prescribed by the doctor. Getting rid of the fungus is quite difficult. You will need a whole range of medicines for external and systemic action. First you need to determine the type of pathogen.
    15 March 2022
  • Foot fungus is easy to get rid of, but not easy to get rid of. We bring to your attention a piggy bank with popular recipes that will help defeat the disease.
    21 December 2021